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 Date of birth


 Work grant
 Foreign languages

Frank Sagmeister 



permanent C
Portuguese, English, French

04/2009 - Analyst/Programmer at Credit Suisse, Zurich.
01/2009 - 03/2009 Analyst/Programmer of the Harvy Nash AG, Zurich at Züricher Kantonalbank, Zurich.
1997 - 2008 Analyst/Programmer of the Rösinger & Associate, Cousset at Credit Suisse, Zurich.
1991 - 1997 Analyst/Programmer of the SBI-AG, Basel at Coop Bank, Basel.
1989 - 1991 Applications programmer with the computing centre southwest, Stuttgart (now MSH)
1987 - 1989 Academy for data processing, Boeblingen with conclusion for the nationally examined data processing operation manager and acquisition of the specialized university-level graduation
1985 - 1987 Personnel reserve ("Springer") with the Kreissparkasse Boeblingen in the area Herrenberg
1984 - 1985 Military service (Communications supply in Guenzburg)
1981 - 1984 Education as the banker with the Kreissparkasse Böblingen
1979 - 1981 Commercial Technical High School in Boeblingen with conclusion the secondary school level I certificate
1970 - 1979 Basic- and Mainschool in Jettingen